Gunnar W Dahlgren

 ”Teschska passagen Ingång Södergatan 14 och Kalendegatan 9 Malmö
Rikstelefon 66 Plåten förvaras”

Det finns inte särskilt mycket information om G W Dahlgren (1857-1947) och det beror troligtvis på att han inte verkade någon längre tid som fotograf i Malmö. År 1904 lär han i alla fall enligt fotografregistren ha etablerat sig som fotograf på Södergatan 14 och troligtvis övertog han då Alexis Brandts atélje. Det blev en kort vistelse i Malmö eftersom han mellan åren 1906 och 1910 var anställd som fotograf vid Nobels mekaniska verkstad i Baku. Han beskrivs i det sammanhanget som en globetrotter, tekniker och fotograf av känd värmlandssläkt. Han har lämnat efter sig ett rikt fotomaterial, vykort och tidningsklipp och det mesta finns samlat på Värmlands museum. Med tanke på den korta karriären i Malmö hann Dahlgren ändå med en hel del så troligtvis var han i Malmö i perioder före 1904 och efter 1910, men att han då skulle ha haft egen atélje hittar jag ingen uppgift om. En intressant fotograf vars bilder det är något visst med som jag inte riktigt kan ta på … Det kommer fler!

12 tankar kring ”Gunnar W Dahlgren

  1. Åsa eriksson

    Jag har porträttfoton tagna av honom i ett gammalt album. Men hans logotyp ser annorlunda ut än den du lagt upp här.

    1. Karin Lövgren Nilsson Inläggsförfattare

      Hej Åsa! Då har du en skatt! 🙂 Logotypen förändrades ofta över tid på både fram- och baksida och det är intressant att följa och hjälper till när man ska tidsbestämma bilden.

  2. Liz Alvey

    Fascinating to stumble across this! GW Dahlgren was a cousin of my great grandfather, Alfred Gottlieb Dahlgren, well known as a photographer of Uppsala in late 19th and early 20th centuries. There fathers were brothers. I have only just discovered that GW was also a photographer, who I believe worked with his sister, Angelina Lovisa. She in turn worked as a photographer’s assistant in Uppsala, living close to her cousin Alfred, according to the 1890 census records. I’m wondering if she worked with him though this is just a theory at present and needs more research. I’d be fascinated if you have gathered any more information about GW since this post appeared. Or indeed if you have come across Angelina Lovisa or her sister Mea, who I think may also have assisted GW.

    1. Karin Lövgren Nilsson Inläggsförfattare

      Thank you for stumbling into Malmöblickar with interesting information! With pleasure I will look around for Angelina Lovisa and her sister Mea and will return as soon as I have found something. It may take a while, but I am sure to find something. If not, I will contact the cityarchives for help. Thanks again! Best regards from Karin

  3. Liz Alvey

    Thank you for responding. I’ve done a bit more research about GW since reading your piece. He certainly seems to have moved around a lot! According to records on Rotemans Archive he was living in Stockholm in 1889, moved to Lidköping in 1891, returning to Stockholm by 1894 (possibly earlier). He then seems to have moved to Gällivare in 1895. I next find him in Tsaritsyn, Russia from 1897-1901, when he returns to Stockholm before relocating in December 1901 to Malmo. As you know he was in Baku from 1906-10, though I don’t think he was employed as a photographer – I have him listed as Foreman and that is confirmed by the Branobel History website and also by which reproduces several of his photos and many of his diary entries. All the Roteman and Census records I’ve looked at also record him as a foreman, though of what I don’t know. From 1913, according to the 1930 Census, he was back in Värmland, living in 1930 with his brother and 2 sisters, Angelina and Mea who are listed respectively as photographer and photographer’s assistant. No wonder it’s hard to find information about him as he appears not to have stayed anywhere for long. Hope this is of interest.

    1. Karin Lövgren Nilsson Inläggsförfattare

      Yes, GW moved around a lot and your information/links about his work in Baku will be very useful to me. Thank you so much! I’ll explain more in a mail. Regarding Angelina and Mea I found information about them and their work in Malmö in ”Kvinnliga fotografer i Malmö 1860-1920” written by archivist Anette Sarnäs. I’ll copy and translate that part of the book and add it in the mail.

  4. Liz Alvey

    Sorry, forgot to say that I have found Angelina and her sister (recorded as Amalia Augusta Mea) operating as photographers in Stockholm from 1893 – 95. Angelina moved from Uppsala and moved to Lund in 1895. Her sister is recorded as moving from Uppsala in 1893 and returning there in 1895. They lived and worked at Mäster Samuelsgatan, 39.

  5. Lasse Ek

    Syskonen Dahlgren var alla aktiva fotografer födda på Hammarö Värmland. Hade ateljéer i Malmö Stockholm Uppsala Karlstad och Baku. De verkade alla fått sin skolning av Anna Ollson verksam fotograf i Karlstad från 1871

    1. Karin Lövgren Nilsson Inläggsförfattare

      Hej Lasse! Ja, syskonen Dahlgren har verkligen en intressant fotohistoria. Läs gärna tidigare kommentarer från en släkting till dem.
      Vänlig hälsning


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